Add a Phone and MAC Address to Existing Customers in iPECS ONE

Add a phone and a MAC address to an existing customer

See the below for the steps to add a phone to a customer account for service or if the customer is adding a phone, you can use the Unshipped Device Allocate option in the Reseller Portal.

First, log into the Reseller Portal. Click on "Customers", "Modify Existing Customer", and then click on the line for the customer to add a phone to.

This opens up the options at the bottom of the screen. Click "Un-shipped Device Allocate" (blue button).

Next, scroll down to the middle of the screen. Click the "Enter Device" button, then use the drop-down to select the phone model to add. Enter the MAC address and click "Add".

Finally, click "Submit Order" at the bottom of the screen.

If you are in the customer manager for that account already, you may need to log out and back in to see that the MAC address is available to use.